[Book Description]

This third edition of the book addresses some of the many changes that have occurred in the last decade both in scientific knowledge and equipment technology for the enhancement of individuals with handicaps.It is important for handicapped individuals to become and remain as functionally independent as possible and to be active members of the community in everyday activities, including work and recreation. Also, significant improvements in medical and surgical technology have given individuals an opprtunity to survive severe traumatic injuries or nervous system problems. Advancements in wheelchair technology and orthotic and prosthetic devises have allowed more of these individuals to become functionally independent. Therapists need to be aware of the new technology and recent methods of improving the level of independence for the most severely involved person.


1. Introduction
2. Spinal cord Injuries
3. Brain Injuries
4. Amputations and Prosthetics
5. Orthotics
6. Wheelchairs, Assistive Devices, and Home Modifications
7. Body Mechanics and Guarding Techniques
8. Functional Activites for One-Sided Involvement
9. Functional Activities for Bilateral Lower Limb and Trunk Involvement
10. Functional Activities for Involvement of all Four Limbs and Trunk
11. Functional Activities for the Amputee
12. Assessment Forms
13. Bibliography
