[Book Description]

Thermal, mechanical, and electrotherapeutic modalities are combined in one new manual!
Rehabilitation through the use of physical agents is both a science and an art. The laboratory activities in this new manual encourage you to apply you knowledge of anatomy and physiology, define your rationale for an application technique, and then try it, observing what happens. The laboratory exercises foster keen discriminatory observation and critical-thinking skills. Specific instructions are given for each activity, and questions for the activity are provided. At the conclusion of each lab, there are more global questions for you to consider. These questions tie together the entire experience of the lab, readings, and lecture materials.


1. Therapeutic Heat and Cold: Clinical Responses
2. Clinical Application Techniques for Therapeutic Heat
3. Clinical Application Considerations and Techniques for Therapeutic Ultrasound
4. Electrical Stimulation Parameters, Responses, and Sensations: Introduction to Direct Current Application Techniques
5. Electrical Stimulation Devices: Review and Application
6. Electrical Stimulation for Pain Relief: Sensory Analgesia
7. Electrical Stimulation for Motor Responses
8. Therapeutic Application of Interferential Current Therapy
9. Electrical Stimulation Devices: Knowing Whether the Equipment You Have Will Do What You Want It to Do
10. Hydrotherapy
11. Therapeutic Uses of Light: Actinotherapy
12. Passive Motion Devices for Soft Tissue Management: Traction
13. Passive Motion Devices for Soft Tissue Management: Continuous Passive Motion
14. Edema Management: Intermittent Compression as a Therapeutic Tool
15. Modality Integration