[Book Description]

This edition features a reorganization of the class activities into units to assist students in obtaining concepts of related modalities and treatments in a logical order, The laboratory activities can be conveniently modified by the instructor to incorporate available equipment and different content sequences. We have added more ativities, modified others, and updated the questions. Additionally, we moved information presented in the appendices into appropriate units to enhance the concepts being presented within the activity. Lastly, we placed case studies at the end of each unit thus enhancing practical application of modalities. Students are encouraged to compare and contrast treatments that would be applicable for setting up treatments related to the case studies.


Unit 1. Cold Modalities
Unit 2. Superficial Heat Modalities
Unit 3. Other Thermal Agents
Unit 4. Electrical Stimulation Modalities
Unit 5. Deep Heat Modalities
Unit 6. Mechanical Modalities

Appendix A
Appendix B